Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Woody Allen Tries To Block Mia Farrow's NYC Testimony

Woody Allen is suing American Apparel for $10 million for its unauthorized us of his image (a still from Annie Hall) on billboards and a website. The company has apologized for the use. Allen says that the company's advertising is "sleazy." The company says that his image isn't worth $10 million after his scandals in the 1990s. So a question for the trial is: how much of his past can the jury hear about? Woody Allen Tries To Block Mia Farrow's NYC Testimony, Huffington Post, May 5, 2009.


Legal Aid said...

If he has nothing to hide, then why block Farrow's testimony?

Anonymous said...

How much of his past can the jury hear about? Not very much if the effect is to prejudice the jury. But of course, prejudicing the jury has been the intention all along, well before jury selection even starts. This is turning into a very nasty smear campaign instead of a real defense - because of course they don't have a leg to stand on.